Shareholder Disputes

When shareholders engage in a struggle for control over a business, or their rights as shareholders, legal action is sometimes necessary in order to resolve the dispute. If your authority is being challenged, investment is threatened, or you disagree with decisions made by another shareholder or an executive, consult with a knowledgeable lawyer. At Brown Litigation, we represent shareholders, officers, and directors in a variety of business matters, including proceedings under prevailing Business Corporations legislation.

With extensive commercial litigation experience, our lawyers keep our business clients informed every step of the way. We also provide risk management services in order to avoid future disputes and litigation.

Business Law Firm

Under prevailing Business Corporations legislation, there are several remedies and forms of relief available to shareholders involved in a contested matter. If you are in a battle over the control, direction or management of a private company, our lawyers will analyze the circumstances of your case, develop a solid strategy and pursue your interests in court.

Whether you have a majority stake in a business, you are a 50/50 partner, or you have a 20 percent interest, if you are involved in a dispute, you need a lawyer who has significant business litigation experience. Particularly if you are a minority shareholder, you have significant rights.

We understand contract disputes, including disputes over shareholder agreements, and we will aggressively pursue your interests.

Contact Us to Learn More

For more information about our services and to discuss your case contact us.